# Luke's build of st - the simple (suckless) terminal
The [suckless terminal (st) ](https://st.suckless.org/ ) with some additional features that make it literally the best terminal emulator ever:
## Unique features (using dmenu)
+ **follow urls** by pressing `alt-l`
+ **copy urls** in the same way with `alt-y`
+ **copy the output of commands** with `alt-o`
## Bindings for
+ **scrollback** with `alt-↑/↓` or `alt-pageup/down` or `shift` while scrolling the mouse
+ OR **vim-bindings** : scroll up/down in history with `alt-k` and `alt-j` . Faster with `alt-u` /`alt-d`.
+ **zoom/change font size** : same bindings as above, but holding down shift as well. `alt-home` returns to default
+ **copy text** with `alt-c` , **paste** is `alt-v` or `shift-insert`
## Pretty stuff
+ Compatibility with `Xresources` and `pywal` for dynamic colors. The `Xdefaults` file shows a usage example.
+ Default [gruvbox ](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox ) colors otherwise.
+ Transparency/alpha, which is also adjustable from your `Xresources` .
+ Default font is system "mono" at 16pt, meaning the font will match your system font.
## Other st patches
+ Vertcenter
+ Scrollback
+ updated to latest version 0.8.2
## Installation for newbs
git clone https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/st
cd st
sudo make install
Users of Arch-based distros can also install it from the AUR as [st-luke-git ](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/st-luke-git/ ).
Obviously, `make` is required to build. `fontconfig` is required for the default build, since it asks `fontconfig` for your system monospace font. It might be obvious, but `libX11` and `libXft` are required as well. Chances are, you have all of this installed already.
On OpenBSD, be sure to edit `config.mk` first and remove `-lrt` from the `$LIBS` before compiling.
Be sure to have a composite manager (`xcompmgr`, `compton` , etc.) running if you want transparency.
## How to configure dynamically with Xresources
For many key variables, this build of `st` will look for X settings set in either `~/.Xdefaults` or `~/.Xresources` . You must run `xrdb` on one of these files to load the settings.
For example, you can define your desired fonts, transparency or colors:
*.font: Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true;
*.alpha: 0.9
*.color0: #111
The `alpha` value (for transparency) goes from `0` (transparent) to `1` (opaque).
### Colors
To be clear about the color settings:
- This build will use gruvbox colors by default and as a fallback.
- If there are Xresources colors defined, those will take priority.
- But if `wal` has run in your session, its colors will take priority.
Note that when you run `wal` , it will negate the transparency of existing windows, but new windows will continue with the previously defined transparency.
## Contact
- Luke Smith < luke @ lukesmith . xyz >
- [https://lukesmith.xyz ](https://lukesmith.xyz )